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to enhance the economic stability
and prosperity of a community


Tuition-Assisted Programme

These awards are merit and needs assistance based. The award is based on the tuition requirements as set out by the Bermuda College and PACE.

Applicants may be eligible for full or partial tuition grants as determined by the DWD. Please note that workshops or certificate courses are not considered for funding.

Future awards are based on the attainment of a minimum 2.7 GPA (not cumulative), or B- per semester. Only ‘official transcripts’ will be accepted (no exceptions). Programmes must not exceed four years (this does not apply to the Electrical Apprenticeship Programme that is of five years’ duration). A permit for these courses will only be issued when the eligibility requirements are fully met.

Overseas Training Awards

To be eligible for all awards, an applicant must:



National Technical and
Vocational Training Award (NTVT)

The NTVT Award is a merit and needs assistance award. The award is valued at $10,000 per year based on the attainment of a minimum 2.7 grade point average (not cumulative). Programmes must not exceed four years.

Technical Vocational Education
Training Award (TVET)

This professional development award is provided to individuals who participate in a ‘short course’ programme deemed necessary to enhance a skill immediately required by industry. The maximum value is $5,000 in any given year. The course work must not exceed 12 months.