Derek L.A. Smith is a former Career Development Officer for the Department of Workforce Development and brings an extensive wealth of local and international skills and experience. He originated as a Consultant to spear-head the transition of the then, Department Labour & Training into a One-Stop Career Center. Mr. Smith was previously an Executive Director for The Bermuda Careers Centre, a quango founded in 2002 as a One Stop Career Centre and education resource for young & mature career seekers, including parents and educators for the Ministry of Education. This amalgamated with the Department of Labour & Training in 2011.
Derek is a Certified Global Career Development Facilitator and Government Certified Facilitator for Leadership and Customer Service. He has extensive experience in Human Resources, Career Development, Career and Life Coaching, Counseling, Assessments and Training.
He has held Human Resource Management positions at Bermuda Hospitals Board, American Automobile Associate of Southern New England, Rhode Island, The Westin Hotel Providence, Rhode Island, McDonald’s Corporation, Massachusetts and the Urban League of Rhode Island.
Mr. Smith has had a broad professional exposure, liaising with Local, State and Federal Governments in the United States serving as a key resource for the U.S. Department of Labor in assisting the Federal Government with their Workforce Development, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action (AA) compliance mandates in the Northeast Region.